There are many different options to return to education as a younger mum. You might like to start by chatting to someone about these options. The Skills and Jobs Centre Geelong which is associated with The Gordon Tafe might be a great place to start…
Skills and Jobs Centre – you can book in for an appointment where they can help chat with you about the following.
- Career/training/employment information and career pathways
- Resume & Cover letter assistance
- Training advice, (including The Gordon TAFE courses and the FREE TAFE Initiative).
- Workshops & Employer Panels (Each month they have a flyer available with different events on)
- Help you identify areas you can network with to assist in employment opportunities
- Give you further information about Community resources and where to search for Job information
- Referrals for Government funded courses in specific areas (there may be some projects that may have employment opportunities).
There’s also more traditional schooling options such as…
Northern Bay College – Young parents can return to education at Northern Bay to complete their studies with individualised support. Childcare is available at the Northern Bay Early Learning centre which is on campus. For more information Contact Helen O’Connor 5224 9791.
The Family centre also offers a range of programs including Bumps to bubs. The Bumps to Bubs Group Program brings young mothers and mothers-to-be (up to 23 years) with babies 0-1 year together to support the journey of parenting.
Online Course – You could also do a course, online or in person depending on your interests! It really depends on you and your dreams. What is going to work for you and your family with child care etc.