Ahh, the smell of a newborn baby is divine, warms your heart and puts an immediate smile on your face.

Being a mum is a wonderful privilege.  There are so many women who struggle to conceive and are unable to experience the joy of pregnancy and giving birth.  Enjoy the privilege, the experiences and love your child brings into your heart.

You always hear people say ‘there is no rule book’, which is so true.  Every child has their own individual personality and so do you.  As a mum you lead by example, holistically and physically. For you to be the best example for your child, you must ensure that everything you do is true to you. It can be easy to fall into a place where you are feeling judged for your decisions, but you can’t be led by other people’s expectations. Be led by your heart and your beliefs, and don’t do things to keep up with what is considered ‘normal’ or ‘the right thing to do’ in order to be a great mum.

Creating wonderful memories such as when your child does something witty, cheeky or when you and your beautiful child have a moment.  You will definitely know when this happens and will reflect on those moments many times through your life.

Learn to rest when your child rests and don’t put expectations on yourself in regard to house upkeep.  Spending quality time with your child beats spending quality time housekeeping.  Also finding time for yourself, either reading, going out and having a laugh with a friend, gardening.  Exercise is the best form of having time for yourself.

There are always times when you are not in a great mood or something has shifted in your life and you need to adjust.  Always remember the unconditional love you have for your child is the same unconditional love your child has for you.  You are the leader, protector, and teacher for your child.

These affirmations are mantras to stand by.  When you are feeling overwhelmed write an affirmation on a post it note, stick it by your bed and before you go to sleep quiet your mind and read the affirmation a few times and believe it.

Quotes to live by:

Quote to live by :

The decisions made by other mums do not need to dictate mine.

Quote to live by :

Today I will be the type of person I would like my children to become.

Quote to live by :

Not loving every moment of motherhood doesn’t mean I don’t love being a mum.

Quote to live by :

If I do nothing today besides hug my kids, then I’ve done enough.

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